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Quantum Vibe
Strip 1621 of Quantum Vibe
Today on Quantum Vibe: High-speed micro-liths
Strip 1621 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Fri 2017-06-23
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Colors: Lea Jean Badelles
Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
To boldly go where no manic pixie dream girl has gone before.
Big Head Press

Quantum Vibe

A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly 100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.

Quantum Vibe: Château Périlleux - By Scott Bieser w/Lea Jean Badellas & Gus Mendes

Back To Normal... Yay! [ Jul 22, 2024 ]

And... We are back!

And we're back! Scott's power and Internet was restored a few days ago, and Scott spent that time since diligently working to get the next strip up. Also, please consider supporting Scott through Patreon or Subscribestar to help keep Quantum Vibe going! You can find links to them on this page, and enjoy today's fresh strip!

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Transcript For Strip 1621

Panel 1
The Dryhaven, with Causa Sui still tucked in underneath, is at station near an asteroid roughly ten times its size. We can see a force-field bubble enclosing the asteroid as well as the ships. We can see several small flashes on the bubble. The local brown-dwarf star is large enough to show a good-sized disc, but is out-shined by its sister red-dwarf 100 gigameters distant.
Hugo (from Dryhaven):You weren't exaggerating about the 'chaotic' nature of this space.
Shlack (from Dryhaven): Without our re-enforced shielding, we'd soon be cut to shreds by all these high-speed micro-liths.

Panel 2
The workshop aboard Dryhaven. Hugo is fussing over a gadget resting on a worktable as Shrack, Krasp, and Murphy look on.
Hugo: Krasp, I'm sorry, but this pento-matrix slicer is still not up to the specs I require.
Krasp: That was my third attempt, Doctor. It looks right to me, and I don't know what else I can do for it.

Panel 3
Closer two-shot of Hugo and Shrack.
Hugo: This is a waste of time. I have equipment aboard my ship that will serve.
Hugo: I must return to Causa Sui immediately.
Shrack: I'm afraid I can't allow that right now.

Panel 4
Another angle that show Krasp and Murphy in the background, looking on.
Hugo: 'Can't allow it'?
Hugo: I had been under the impression that we were guests here, not captives.
Shlack: Conditions here are too hazardous for you to space-walk back to your vessel.

Panel 5
Another exterior shot of the two vessels near the asteroid. A harvester craft from the Dryhaven is at work on the asteroid's surface, cutting into the megalith. The force-field bubble surrounds all, and we see several flashes across the barrier's surface.
Shlack (from Dryhaven): Once we've completed our harvesting runs and return to the comet, it will be safe for you to disembark.
Hugo: But that will be several days from now! And this project has dependencies ...
Panel 6
Group shot of Shlack, Hugo, Krasp, Murphy. Shlack is laying down the law; Hugo and Murphy look unhappy, and Krasp looks uncomfortable.
Shlack: This discussion is over, Doctor Galvéz.
Shrack: I'm the master of this vessel and I aim to be fair and reasonable but my word is law here. Am I clear?
Hugo: As crystal … Captain.

Web-comics Scott Reads

Grrl Power
Schlock Mercenary
Diesel Sweeties
Girl Genius
Day By Day
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Questionable Content
Gunnerkrigg Court
Something * Positive
Oglaf (NSFW)

For news and reviews:
The Beat
Bleeding Cool
Comics Worth Reading

Quantum Vibe Story Contents © 2024 Scott Bieser
Framing Graphics © 2024 Big Head Press