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Quantum Vibe
Strip 181 of Quantum Vibe
Today on Quantum Vibe: The need to cooperate
Strip 181 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Mon 2011-08-29
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Big Head Press

Quantum Vibe

A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly 100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.

Quantum Vibe: Murphy - By Scott Bieser w/Zeke Bieser

Back To Normal... Yay! [ Jul 22, 2024 ]

And... We are back!

And we're back! Scott's power and Internet was restored a few days ago, and Scott spent that time since diligently working to get the next strip up. Also, please consider supporting Scott through Patreon or Subscribestar to help keep Quantum Vibe going! You can find links to them on this page, and enjoy today's fresh strip!

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Transcript For Strip 181

Panel 1
Exterior of a fancy restaurant – D'Nae's – in Tycho City, on Luna. We can see a bit of sky in the upper part of the panel, which gradients from 10% to 85% at the top.
Caption: In Tycho City, on Luna.
Voice (from restaurant): Your punctuality on short notice is appreciated, Mr. Graves.
Panel 2
Inside the restaurant, in a well-appointed private booth, Wayne Bobinardi shakes hands with Mr. Graves, who is still standing at the open end of the hexagonal table. He has to reach across Matthew, an Enforcer-class associate who is acting as Bobinardi's body guard. Seated on the other side of Bobinardi is Sum Bimbo, a moderately asiatic-looking comfort girl.
Mr. Graves is of African descent, tall and lanky, with close-buzzed hair and large ears. He may look familiar.
Graves: Thank you, sir. Your convenience here is my priority.
Wayne: Yes, it is. Please have a seat.
Panel 3
Looking past the back of Graves' head at Bobinardi and his entourage. He has both hands on the table, and is tapping his wristwatch with his right finger.
Wayne: I have a subject – or, a pair of subjects actually – arriving in 26 days, with some information that is very important to me.
Wayne: You must help him understand the need to cooperate.
Panel 4
Two-shot of Bobinardi's hands on the table, and a holo-display of Seamus and Nicole being projected above it, with Graves on the right, appraising the images. He reaches out to touch the base of the display (not Bobinardi's hand) with an extended index finger.
Graves: Dr. O Murchadha? What happened to him?
Bobinardi (OP): Apparently a rejuv treatment gone wrong. He's over 350, after all.
Panel 5
Graves is holding image of Nicole on the tip of that same index finger, looking at it with some lust.
Graves: Is this his comfort girl?
Bobinardi (OP): Possibly, although she is also qualified as a pilot and a technical assistant.
Panel 6
Graves sitting across the table from Bobinardi and company. Sum Bimbo looks bored. The Enforcer looks menacing.
Graves: Does she have your information, or is she just leverage?
Bobinardi: Likely the latter, but I can't rule out the former, so you'll have to play it by ear.
Panel 7
Graves grins a friendly, reassuring grin.
Graves: Can do, sir, can do.
Graves: We have an asset who is so slick he can talk the stripes off a zebra, and can think quickly on his feet.

Panel 8
Group shot of Graves across from Bobinardi and company. The bimbo looks even more bored, the Enforcer even more menacing. Bobinardi is looking levelly at Graves, who in turn is looking a bit tense.
Bobinardi: The case file is in your in-box, Graves.
Bobinardi: I sincerely hope your confidence in this asset is well-placed. For your sake.

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Grrl Power
Schlock Mercenary
Diesel Sweeties
Girl Genius
Day By Day
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
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Gunnerkrigg Court
Something * Positive
Oglaf (NSFW)

For news and reviews:
The Beat
Bleeding Cool
Comics Worth Reading

Quantum Vibe Story Contents © 2024 Scott Bieser
Framing Graphics © 2024 Big Head Press