Today on Quantum Vibe: Could be either Strip 636 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Fri 2013-07-05
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Colors: Zeke Bieser Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Quantum Vibe
A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly
100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five
centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various
off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The
story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along
with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues
with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.
On Their Way.... [ Jan 15, 2025 ]
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Panel 1
Cut to exterior, entrance to 'Ignition Pizza' restaurant.
Buford (from inside): And for all t'at trouble, you only got a scan of t'eir enemies list?
Murphy (from inside): Yes, I'm afraid so.
Panel 2
Inside the restaurant, Murphy, Nicole, Buford and Nigel are seated around a table. Nicole has her right hand laid affectionately on Murphy's left wrist. Murphy is downcast.
Murphy: It confirms what we suspected, but doesn't give us anything we can go to Oday Friedman with.
Murphy: And it doesn't give us a clue as to why Vesta Vista killed those people.
Panel 3
Nigel and Murphy
Nigel: Don't blame yourself, Murphy. Festa Fista is a powerful outfit, maybe too powerful.
Nigel: I'm t'inking maybe t'e only way I can get justice for Nina is just go shoot t'at bastard Frumm.
Panel 4
Buford, Nigel and Murphy.
Buford: You can't do t'at, Nigel! You'll become an outlaw! An outcast!
Murphy: Yes, the Belt has neither prisons nor executioners but the consequences for such an action are still quite severe.
Panel 5
Nigel, Murphy and Nicole. Nicole is distracted by something off-panel right.
Nigel: I see you'fe done your homework, studying our customs.
Murphy: I didn't want to screw up again.
Nicole: Looks like we have company.
Panel 6
A pudgy, beady-eyed man with a douche-bag mustache has approached our heroes, now standing between Nicole and Buford.
Eric: Hi, my name is Eric.
Eric: I understand you are seeking some information.
Eric: Do you have augrams?
Panel 7
Nicole and Buford regard Eric warily.
Nicole: What do you take me for?
Eric: I can prove I'm on the level. Just follow me.
Panel 8
The Scoobies rise from their seats to follow in Eric's wake as he walks away.
Murphy (Thoughtsend): A trap? A waste of time?
Nicole (thoughtsend): Could be either, but it's not like we have any other leads.
Nicole (thoughtsend): So long as we stay together, I'm sure we can deal with any skulduggery.