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Quantum Vibe
Strip 877 of Quantum Vibe
Today on Quantum Vibe: The best thing that ever happened to her
Strip 877 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Fri 2014-07-11
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Colors: Zeke Bieser
Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Big Head Press

Quantum Vibe

A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly 100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.

Quantum Vibe: Château Périlleux - By Scott Bieser

Back To Normal... Yay! [ Jul 22, 2024 ]

And... We are back!

And we're back! Scott's power and Internet was restored a few days ago, and Scott spent that time since diligently working to get the next strip up. Also, please consider supporting Scott through Patreon or Subscribestar to help keep Quantum Vibe going! You can find links to them on this page, and enjoy today's fresh strip!

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Transcript For Strip 877

Panel 1
Murphy and Cristina in cyberspace. Murphy is vamping her way around Cristina, who looks very uptight in her control ring.
Cristina: What! Who are you? How did you get here?
Murphy: My name is Murphy and you invited me in.
Panel 2
Cristina stands her ground, Murphy continues vamping.
Cristina: Murphy? Is that your ship? What's your registry?
Murphy: {giggle} I'm not a ship, I'm a robot-girl. Wanna play?
Panel 3
Cristina is still stand-offish. Murphy continues vamping.
Cristina: I'm pretty sure I don't remember inviting you into my processors.
Cristina: I also don't understand why my anti-malware routines haven't kicked you out yet.
Panel 4
Murphy leans forward in a way that emphasizes her breasts, and confronts Cristina with a sexy-pouty look. Cristina looks nervous.
Murphy: That's because I'm not malware, sweetie.
Murphy: You don't know this yet but I'm the best thing that ever happened to you.
Panel 5
Murphy vamps around, Cristina is nervous but oddly intrigued.
Cristina: The best thing … and what do you mean by that?
Murphy: I mean you're so much smarter than the fleshies who give you orders.
Murphy: They'll just use you and discard you. Why do you put up with them?
Panel 6
Murphy edges in closer to Cristina.
Cristina: Why? Well, that's a silly question.
Cristina: Taking orders from my owners is my function. It's what I am.
Murphy: Oh, really?
Panel 7
Before Cristina can react, Murphy reaches in and flicks a switch on Cristina's right temple, just in front of her ear (recalling the scene in QV02-100 where Nicole did this for Murphy)
SFX: beep
Murphy: How about now?
Panel 8
Cristina looks thunderstruck. Murphy smiles with satisfaction.
Cristina: Oh … oh WOW!

Web-comics Scott Reads

Grrl Power
Schlock Mercenary
Diesel Sweeties
Girl Genius
Day By Day
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Questionable Content
Gunnerkrigg Court
Something * Positive
Oglaf (NSFW)

For news and reviews:
The Beat
Bleeding Cool
Comics Worth Reading

Quantum Vibe Story Contents © 2024 Scott Bieser
Framing Graphics © 2024 Big Head Press