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Quantum Vibe
Strip 479 of Quantum Vibe
Today on Quantum Vibe: Due dilligence
Strip 479 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Mon 2012-11-05
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Colors: Zeke Bieser
Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Big Head Press

Quantum Vibe

A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly 100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.

Quantum Vibe: Venus 23- By Scott Bieser w/Lea Jean Badellas

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Transcript For Strip 479

Panel 1
Back to the drawing room at the Po estate. Xie-Po, Peng-Bo, and Seamus are again seated around the table, in front of the holoscreen. Now in the rightmost panel is the image of Johanna Diamondi.
Diamondi: Sorry for the delay in my response, but I felt I should undertake some due diligence before responding.

Panel 2
Angled 2-shot of Peng-Bo and Diamondi. Peng-Bo is looking a bit apprehensive.
Diamondi: Fortunately, HuoJinGong keeps a mirror database at its facility on Rhea, so I was able to get some information quickly.
Diamondi: Your Mr. Peng-Bo appears to have had an ... interesting career.

Panel 3
Two-shot of Xie-Po and Peng-Bo, with the former casting a dubious glance at the latter.
Diamondi: Fifty-four years ago, as vice-admin for water services in Antoniadi Division, your decision to favor one monopoly delivery provider provoked mass protests and near-rioting.

Panel 4
Medium close-up on Peng-Bo, starting to get angry.
Diamondi: I do find it interesting how your Mr. Peng-Bo has managed to overcome these embarrassments and others to rise to directorship of NiuYaoRui Division.
Diamondi: Does this reflect his tenacious passion for power or a failing in the HuoJinGong vetting system?

Panel 5
Angled 2-shot of Diamondi and Seamus. Now Seamus looks a bit discomfited.
Diamondi: You really should choose your associates more carefully, Seamus.
Diamondi: Although, I suppose even the most seasoned among us can make mistakes.

Panel 6
Close-up on Diamondi, completing her transmission.
Diamondi: I admit I could have gotten the wrong impression from the database, so before I cast my vote I would like to hear how Mr. Peng-Bo responds to this message.
Diamond: Good-bye for now, and good luck, Seamus.

Panel 7
Two-shot of Xie-Po and Peng-Bo, both looking very angry.
Xie-Po: The nerve of that bitch!
Peng-Bo: Who does this -- this insolent yinhu think she is, insulting me this way?

Panel 8
Medium c/u on Seamus, with death in his eye, talking through cleched teeth.
Seamus: Most importantly to you, she is a fully-vested shareholder in this project you're seeking to join.
Seamus: But also, she is my fiancée. So I advise you to keep a civil tongue in your face, if you want to keep both of them.

Web-comics Scott Reads

Grrl Power
Schlock Mercenary
Diesel Sweeties
Girl Genius
Day By Day
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Questionable Content
Gunnerkrigg Court
Something * Positive
Oglaf (NSFW)

For news and reviews:
The Beat
Bleeding Cool
Comics Worth Reading

Quantum Vibe Story Contents © 2024 Scott Bieser
Framing Graphics © 2024 Big Head Press