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Quantum Vibe
Strip 494 of Quantum Vibe
Today on Quantum Vibe: Cooperative and honorable
Strip 494 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Mon 2012-11-26
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Colors: Zeke Bieser
Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Big Head Press

Quantum Vibe

A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly 100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.

Quantum Vibe: Murphy - By Scott Bieser w/Zeke Bieser

Goal Reached! [ Dec 11, 2024 ]


We reached our goal and then some. We want to thank all of our backers for helping us reach and surpass our goal. We also want to take this time to thank everyone who has contributed to supporting our strip by buying our books and reading the strip regularly so we can earn a little advertising revenue.

Because we set this up as a flexible campaign, anyone wanting to back this campaign and get a perk can do so through this Friday. For those of you still interested in backing our campaign, click on this link or on the picture to visit our campaign!

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Transcript For Strip 494

Panel 1
Cut to the drawing room at the Po estate. Three-shot of Tong, Peng-Bo, and Seamus. Peng-Bo, facing the holoscreen, is delivering his response to the shareholder's questions.
Peng-Bo: With regard to whether I am purchasing on my own account, or for HuoJinGong, please be assured that this is for my own account only.
Peng-Bo: I will transmit my bank information to verify that I have funds on an account in my own name.
Panel 2
Medium close-up of Peng-Bo.
Peng-Bo: With regard to your proposed pledge to your non-aggression principle, I'm afraid I must decline.
Peng-Bo: My responsibilities as a Divisional Director preclude taking such a sweeping oath.
Peng-Bo: I'm sure you understand.

Panel 3
Two-shot of Tong and Peng-Bo. Tong is looking thoughtfully at Peng-Bo as the latter continues speaking.
Peng-Bo: With regard to the ... difficult past episodes which Dr. Diamondi references, well ...
Peng-Bo: I view them as learning experiences, and I believe that I am a much better steward of both my own and HuoJinGong's resources as a result.

Panel 4
Two-shot of Peng-Bo and Seamus, with the holoscreen between them. Peng-Bo holds his arms wide with palms upward in a gesture of humility. Seamus is looking rather skeptical.
Peng-Bo: After all, who among us can say that one may dare to accomplish things without making mistakes along the way?
Peng-Bo: I ask for your understanding, and pledge that I will be a cooperative and honorable member of this group.

Panel 5A
Medium close-up on Peng-Bo, looking as virtuously humble as he can manage.
Peng-Bo: Thank you for your time.
Peng-Bo: End Transmission.

Panel 5B
Peng-Bo's expression darkens as he turns to look at Seamus.
No dialog.

Panel 6
Looking past Peng-Bo at Seamus.
Peng-Bo: How do you think they will respond?
Seamus: I would rather not forecast their responses. They might surprise me.

Panel 7
Two-shot of Peng-Bo and Seamus.
Peng-Bo: I find your response ... unhelpful.
Seamus: Be that as it may, I will say that your plea was the best you could possibly have made, given the situation.

Panel 8
Two-shot of Tong and Peng-Bo. They are exchanging glances. Tong looks worried.
Peng-Bo: Then we shall await their replies.
Peng-Bo: And let us hope those replies do not result in ... any unpleasantness.

Web-comics Scott Reads

Grrl Power
Schlock Mercenary
Diesel Sweeties
Girl Genius
Day By Day
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Questionable Content
Gunnerkrigg Court
Something * Positive
Oglaf (NSFW)

For news and reviews:
The Beat
Bleeding Cool
Comics Worth Reading

Quantum Vibe Story Contents © 2024 Scott Bieser
Framing Graphics © 2024 Big Head Press