Today on Quantum Vibe: Don't trust those journos Strip 96 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Mon 2011-05-02
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Quantum Vibe
A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly
100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five
centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various
off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The
story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along
with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues
with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.
Panel 1
An image from a Newspage, along with some text, fills a Screen, which itself nearly fills the panel. We can see Nicole's hands holding it on the left and right sides. The image is a high-angle shot of Gary holding the semi-conscious Nicole, who looks very fried from her ordeal. Behind them we can see Seamus and the other two Sun-Shooters. A headline above the image reads: Sun-Diver Flies Home On Brain-Power. A sub-head reads: Ordeal leaves girl barely alive. The other text is unreadable.
Nicole (OP): Omigod, I look horrible!
Panel 2
Establishing the scene. We are in Nicole's recovery room. She is laid out in an auto-doc, which looks like a very comfy hospital bed, with the head-end raised almost to a sitting position. A monitor above her head shows vital-signs readouts. The rest of the room is decorated pleasantly, with stands of artificial flowers here and there. In the room with Nicole are Seamus and the three Sun-Shooter pilots. Gary near on the left, Seamus near on the right, then Bo, then Jake.
Seamus: Well, it's not your best side, I suppose, but having the journos around helped persuade the Dispatcher to play nice.
Panel 3
Three-shot of Gary, Nicole, Seamus. Nicole is still looking at her screen.
Gary: Gee, I thought it was our charisma that made him relent.
Nicole: My mother is going to have kittens when she sees this.
Panel 4
Nicole, Seamus, and Bo.
Seamus: You'll get a chance to look better tomorrow – to get the journos to leave you alone, I've promised them a press conference. You'll be fully recovered and your usual lovely self.
Bo: I don't trust those journos.
Panel 5
Seamus, Bo and Jake.
Seamus: Neither do I, but I'll have a Tel link open to Nicole so I can help her field any difficult questions.
Bo: Good, but that's not what I meant.
Panel 6
Suddenly Claud Southend, the Journo who had tangled with the Dispatcher earlier, bursts into the room.
Claud: Miz Oresme! Iz Claud Southend wid teh Tycho Dispatch! Wazzit lyk flyin wid yr brayn?
Panel 7
Jake, who is remarkably strong despite his short stature, picks up Claud by his collar and the seat of his pants.
Claud: Hay!
Jake: Yer gonna be doing some flying yourself real soon.
Panel 8
Hallway outside the room. Jake gives Claud a toss, and he goes flying in Mercury's 3.7 m/s/s gravity
Claud: Teh publik haz ryt to – ghyaaa!
Jake: To privacy? You bet, Claud.