Today on Quantum Vibe: A high-speed Picasso Strip 2042 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Wed 2020-01-08
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Dark plans fall like thunderbolts.
Quantum Vibe
A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly
100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five
centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various
off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The
story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along
with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues
with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.
Panel 1
Cut to: A conference room. Medium shot of Francisco Da Costa, with Dominic Martello seated to his right, Achal Verma, engineering consultant, to his left.
Caption: Elsewhere in the city, a Crisis Committee meets:
De Costa: So, what's coming next? Another high-speed space-turd?
Caption: Francisco Da Costa, financial advisor
Dominic: I'd prefer something more creative. Like a high-speed Picasso.
Caption: Dominic Martello, science advisor
Panel 2
Panning right, we still see Dominic but sitting to his right are Kāng Min-Chèng, military advisor, and farther right, Albert J Montoya, foreign affairs consultant.
Dominic: Or something sexier, like a high-speed Olivia De Beradinis.
Kāng: The enemy could launch another relativistic missile at any time from any direction.
Caption: Kāng Min-Chèng, military advisor
Montoya: We should expect some kind of statement from … whomever ... before the next assault.
Caption: Albert J. Montoya, foreign-affairs advisor
Panel 3
Pan right so we still see Montoya; to his right are Sheldon Rico, chairman of Mentes Libres, and Sergio Cooper, security advisor.
Rico: Agreed. Whoever we're dealing with put some planning and expense into this. He must want something from us.
Caption: Sheldon Rico, chairman of Mentes Libres
Cooper: I think in the short term he wants to generate chaos, put us on our back feet.
Caption: Sergio Cooper, Assurance Agencies Liason
Panel 4
Panning back over to the far left of that table, we see Achal Verma, De Costa, and Martello.
Verma: But, to what end? We have no resources here. What could they want?
Caption: Achal Verma, engineering consultant
De Costa: Well, this is a financial center. Maybe they just want money.
Martello: Do you think they'll accept my collection of Bill Ward nudes?