Today on Quantum Vibe: Philomela - Part 1 Strip 2428 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Sun 2023-07-16
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Dark plans fall like thunderbolts.
Quantum Vibe
A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly
100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five
centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various
off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The
story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along
with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues
with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.
Goal Reached! [ Dec 11, 2024 ]
We reached our goal and then some. We want to thank all of our backers for helping us reach and surpass our goal. We also want to take this time to thank everyone who has contributed to supporting our strip by buying our books and reading the strip regularly so we can earn a little advertising revenue.
Because we set this up as a flexible campaign, anyone wanting to back this campaign and get a perk can do so through this Friday. For those of you still interested in backing our campaign, click on this link or on the picture to visit our campaign!
Panel 1: Philomela surprised in a funny pose, full body: "what. I have. to talk. To humans. in 2023. in the Middle of the *AI craze*?!"
Panel 2: Philomela facepalming: "a robot with terminator-red eyes now has to tell people you will be away when everyone thinks AI kills art and artists alike."
Panel 3: Philomela making a profound kneeling bow: "I humbly apologize for filling for a human artist who has gone away without much explanation right during this occasion! I swear I was asked just now!"
Panel 4: Philomela standing up: "Though this makes me mad too: the so-called "AI" being sold during 2023 Is not intelligent. It is an interpolating denoiser, glorified, marketed and (ab)used irresponsibly. It used neural networks, that is true, but the best comparison is a rotifer, what was done with so little is impressive, but it could not even learn from experience."
Panel 5: Philomela talks while moving arms and wings and filling the background with random ramblings "Interpolation denoisers are algorithms or techniques used to reduce noise and enhance the quality of images by estimating the missing or corrupted information based on the surrounding information. On the other hand, deep learning AI models leverage deep neural networks to learn the relationship between input patterns and output patterns. The way it is used in 2023 it gets fed pure noise and tries to "denoise" said pure noise by finding random patterns in the aforementioned noise that approximate as close as possible the expected output given by the input. This is why people often mention it "hallucinates", because that is exactly what is happening and also why it makes up information and it is bad at mathematics or language or fingers or letters as those things are (quite literally) too complex for a 100 layer AI. If we add to this situation the fact that what gets called "a neuron" is quite literally a single bit "yes/no" discriminator which is more akin to "a neurotransmitter" and what gets called "an head" is a collection of said single bit discriminators so we have something more akin to a synapse, the end result is that at best a single layer is the equivalent of a neuron and that is connected only to the very next layer and there is a railway that goes in a single direction, not a network, of such layers, and you will notice that even comparing these denoisers to "a rotifer" is possibly too much credit for what we have."
Panel 6: Philomela stopping mid-step and glancing at the camera: "Wait! I am speaking too much. ♫{mm}♫ How to summarize this? Should I even summarize this?"