Today on Quantum Vibe: Ten gigajoules Strip 1352 - Click strip above to goto the next strip.
First Seen: Fri 2016-05-27
Story & Art: Scott Bieser - Colors: Lea Jean Badelles Sci-Fi Adventure Monday & Thursday.
Hu Iz Alyss Roaz?
Quantum Vibe
A thousand years in the future, humanity has colonized worlds in nearly
100 galaxies, thanks to Quantum Vibremonic technologies developed five
centuries earlier. Other new technologies have created various
off-shoots of humanity and extended life expectancies five-fold. The
story begins with how a mad scientist and his plucky assistant, along
with their robot friend, brought humanity to the stars, and continues
with the adventures of some unique people in fantastic places.
Goal Reached! [ Dec 11, 2024 ]
We reached our goal and then some. We want to thank all of our backers for helping us reach and surpass our goal. We also want to take this time to thank everyone who has contributed to supporting our strip by buying our books and reading the strip regularly so we can earn a little advertising revenue.
Because we set this up as a flexible campaign, anyone wanting to back this campaign and get a perk can do so through this Friday. For those of you still interested in backing our campaign, click on this link or on the picture to visit our campaign!
Panel 1
Alyss is holding an object the size of a baseball, focusing her eyes on it.
Lupin: What the heck is that?
Alyss: A high-thermal grenade. Generates ten gigajoules of heat energy for one second.
Elric: Ten giga-whats?
Panel 2A
Alyss tosses the grenade into the air.
Alyss: Not watts, joules.
Alyss: I'm sending this back to the place we just left.
Panel 2B
The grenade 'foomps' away.
Alyss: In three seconds everything in that room will be molten slag.
Panel 3
The team gathers around Alyss, their backs to her and each other. Alyss has expanded her shield.
Alyss: Alright, team, assume the 'X' formation, now!
Alyss: I've got a solid fix on where the rest of the captives are being held, and we're going straight there.
Panel 4
The team pops into a large room, all their shields expanded. Behind them are a several score young-ish Zytemondian humans of various types, all startled by the rescue team's arrival.
Alyss: Scan for bots and fire at will.
Panel 5
Lupin fires in one direction, OP. Alyss is holding another device in the direction of the captives.
Lupin: Just one guard.
Alyss: As I'd expected, our earlier actions drew all the others away.
Alyss: Now, let's hope this works.
Panel 6
Same shot, now we only see dotted outlines of all the humans in the room.
Sargon: You mean you haven't tested …
SFX (very large): FOOMP!!!